vpnMentor 成立于 2014 年,旨在评测各种 VPN 服务和覆盖私隐相关话题。如今,我们的团队包含数百名网络安全研究员、评论员和编辑。我们与 Kape Technologies PLC 携手合作,持续捍卫广大读者的网络自由。Kape Technologies PLC 旗下还有以下产品:Holiday.com、ExpressVPN、CyberGhost、Private Internet Access 和 Intego(本网站可能会评测这些产品)。vpnMentor 发布的评测文章当中的信息在文章发布之日均准确无误,并根据我们严格的评测标准撰写而成。此标准包括评测人员的专业性和诚实性,同时关注产品的技术性能、质量以及对用户的商业价值。我们发布的榜单和评测文章还可能会考虑到前述产品的共同所有权,以及用户透过网站链接购买产品时我们可获取的联盟佣金。我们不会评测所有 VPN 服务,并相信截至文章发布之日,当中的信息均准确无误。

vpnMentor 成立于 2014 年,旨在评测各种 VPN 服务和覆盖私隐相关话题。如今,我们的团队包含数百名网络安全研究员、评论员和编辑。我们与 Kape Technologies PLC 携手合作,持续捍卫广大读者的网络自由。Kape Technologies PLC 旗下还有以下产品:Holiday.com、ExpressVPN、CyberGhost、Private Internet Access 和 Intego(本网站可能会评测这些产品)。vpnMentor 发布的评测文章当中的信息在文章发布之日均准确无误,并根据我们严格的评测标准撰写而成。此标准包括评测人员的专业性和诚实性,同时关注产品的技术性能、质量以及对用户的商业价值。我们发布的榜单和评测文章还可能会考虑到前述产品的共同所有权,以及用户透过网站链接购买产品时我们可获取的联盟佣金。我们不会评测所有 VPN 服务,并相信截至文章发布之日,当中的信息均准确无误。

BTGuard VPN评测 (2025年) - 购买前请记住这一点

我们的评分: 5.5/10
194 个 VPN 中排名第 103
亨德里克·休曼 首次发布于2017-12-20 网络安全研究员

此VPN服务尚无评论。如果您想与该VPN提供商分享您的个人经验,请以用户身份提交您的评论。我们很快会提供详细的专家评论,评论内容可参考我们对市面顶级VPN(例如ExpressVPN CyberGhost)的测试结果。此外,您也可以查看我们的2025顶级VPN列表

BTGuard VPN 功能:更新于 2025

💸 价格 7.5 USD/月
📝 VPN是否保存日志
🖥 服务器数量 1000+
💻 每份许可所支持的设备数 1
🛡 终止开关
🗺 所在国家 Canada
📥 是否支持做种


$ 7.50 / 每月
$ 8.33 / 每月
$ 9.95 / 每月
BTGuard VPN与其他优秀VPN的对比
我们的评分: 9.9
我们的评分: 9.7
我们的评分: 9.5
我们的评分: 9.4
小编说明:在为大家呈现精选 VPN 的过程中,确保透明度和公正性是我们的重中之重。部分业内领先的上榜 VPN,如 Intego、Private Internet Access、CyberGhost 和 ExpressVPN,均为我们的母公司 Kape Technologies 所有。我们遵循全方位的测试流程评选出这些最佳 VPN。
退款保证 (天数): 0
每份许可所支持的设备数: 1
VPN计划: btguard.com
vpnMentor 成立于 2014 年,旨在评测各种 VPN 服务和覆盖私隐相关话题。如今,我们的团队包含数百名网络安全研究员、评论员和编辑。我们与 Kape Technologies PLC 携手合作,持续捍卫广大读者的网络自由。Kape Technologies PLC 旗下还有以下产品:Holiday.com、ExpressVPN、CyberGhost、Private Internet Access 和 Intego(本网站可能会评测这些产品)。vpnMentor 发布的评测文章当中的信息在文章发布之日均准确无误,并根据我们严格的评测标准撰写而成。此标准包括评测人员的专业性和诚实性,同时关注产品的技术性能、质量以及对用户的商业价值。我们发布的榜单和评测文章还可能会考虑到前述产品的共同所有权,以及用户透过网站链接购买产品时我们可获取的联盟佣金。我们不会评测所有 VPN 服务,并相信截至文章发布之日,当中的信息均准确无误。
BTGuard VPN 用户评论 (用户评价未经验证)
8由2 语言种语言撰写而成的评论为根据

撰写BTGuard VPN的评论


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Raymond Stevens
Raymond Stevens
Terrible customer service

I used them for several years without too many problems beyond when I actually had a question I needed to be answered by this outfit they never bothered to respond to my emails. One day, while connected to BTGuard, my IP was leaked to my ISP and I received a notice from Cox that I was in violation of their user agreement. I questioned BTGuard about this and I was immediately suspended and my account was closed. What the hell kind of treatment is this? And of course, they didn't bother to respond to my question as to why on earth I was suspended. At this point, I moved to TorGuard and never looked back. I've used TorGuard for 7 years. They offer a reasonable price and excellent service and outstanding customer support. I see BTGuard is still in business despite their lousy customer service and their limited functionality as discussed by the author of this article and there don't care attitude about their customers. Makes me wonder how they have any.

Works for me for years

Not sure why seen so much bad feedback here. Using BTGuard for more than 8 years. I ran into problems about 3 times. Figured out it was a software upgrade. Following their setup instructions for PCs/Linux phones works.

Great Service and Value VPN.

I used BTGuard for about 4 years with no issues and very professional service! You need to understand that BTGuard will NOT support unethical action, and nowhere in the service contract for the BTGuard service plan(s) does it state they will . So if you have technical issues while trying to accomplish an unethical act, they will not even respond or get involved in your unethical actions willingly, for the simple reason is that they do NOT desire to be an accessory to your unethical action(s). So don't expect Sales or Tech. Support for that. Yes they advertise that you can achieve anonymous torrenting, However, that does not imply unethical torrenting. The only issue I have with VPN service providers is that there is no real definitive way to know if they are actually allowing access to your VPN communications to a third party. The bottom line is, if you are involved in unethical activities, do not expect support from honest company's.


亨德里克是 vpnMentor 的撰稿人,专门撰写 VPN 比较和用户指南。他拥有超过 5 年的科技和网络安全写作经验以及企业 IT 背景,因此在测试 VPN 并分析其如何满足不同需求的过程中带来了多种视角。
