购买过排名前几的收费VPN,各种复杂的设置,以应对中国严格的防火长城,而且没有一个VPN的连接和速度是稳定的,包括所谓最专业的EXPRESSVPN。 但无意中试用了这款VPN,超级简单超级快速!完全超出你的预期!每次连接都是百分百成功,而且建立连接的速度非常快(EXPRESSVPN智能方式经常要一分钟以上才能成功连接),YOUTUBE,TWITTER视频速度极快! 就目前而言,在中国大陆,这是最厉害的一个VPN,没有之一! 唯一缺点就是价格贵,年价比EXPRESSVPN还贵!
I have been living in China for 4 years after the 2015 firewall upgrade the majority of services stopped working only SSH tunnel by bVPN was working for me for some time but unstable until they updated their applications with SmokeTunnel, Would like to see more servers in Asia, however can't complaint and would be much happier with 3 years offer just like other services who provide that.
I think they should add more servers in more locations. However, everything other than that is perfect: the user friendly interface, the umber of connections per license and live chat customer support. Waiting for more from this decent provider.