你们这是什么评测机制? 上面图片上写个大大的 风险! 但是在下面给不出任何风险相关的评测,合着就花钱买你们推荐的vpn才是安全的,免费的都是高风险的呗? 想挣钱也做点逻辑出来,vpngate风险在哪?你们倒是给出测评啊! 我花钱买了好几个vpn,一到中国就没法用。 人家vpngate不但免费,而且中国能用,比你们这帮光收钱没服务的玩意强多了。
It will no longer get past amazon prime Japan and Netflix Japan. All DNS hostnames end with opengw.net which is now easily blocked as of November 2021. I do not know why they did this but it is very disappointing.
Works great for me, and I'm a complete novice. I installed VPNGate using SoftEther as it's client. The fact that it is an ongoing research project, hence free, is not a deterrent to me because it serves my specific needs well. If the developers/researchers on the VPNgate/Softether project should decide to discontinue the projects (they are both separate), then you'll always have the option to pay for a commercial VPN provider. I appreciate the time and effort the developers/researchers are putting into the development of these applications and the fact that they allow the international public-at-large access to it. Thank you for a great product.