vpnMentor 成立于 2014 年,旨在评测各种 VPN 服务和覆盖私隐相关话题。如今,我们的团队包含数百名网络安全研究员、评论员和编辑。我们与 Kape Technologies PLC 携手合作,持续捍卫广大读者的网络自由。Kape Technologies PLC 旗下还有以下产品:ExpressVPN、CyberGhost、ZenMate、Private Internet Access 和 Intego(本网站可能会评测这些产品)。vpnMentor 发布的评测文章当中的信息在文章发布之日均准确无误,并根据我们严格的评测标准撰写而成。此标准包括评测人员的专业性和诚实性,同时关注产品的技术性能、质量以及对用户的商业价值。我们发布的榜单和评测文章还可能会考虑到前述产品的共同所有权,以及用户透过网站链接购买产品时我们可获取的联盟佣金。我们不会评测所有 VPN 服务,并相信截至文章发布之日,当中的信息均准确无误。

vpnMentor 成立于 2014 年,旨在评测各种 VPN 服务和覆盖私隐相关话题。如今,我们的团队包含数百名网络安全研究员、评论员和编辑。我们与 Kape Technologies PLC 携手合作,持续捍卫广大读者的网络自由。Kape Technologies PLC 旗下还有以下产品:ExpressVPN、CyberGhost、ZenMate、Private Internet Access 和 Intego(本网站可能会评测这些产品)。vpnMentor 发布的评测文章当中的信息在文章发布之日均准确无误,并根据我们严格的评测标准撰写而成。此标准包括评测人员的专业性和诚实性,同时关注产品的技术性能、质量以及对用户的商业价值。我们发布的榜单和评测文章还可能会考虑到前述产品的共同所有权,以及用户透过网站链接购买产品时我们可获取的联盟佣金。我们不会评测所有 VPN 服务,并相信截至文章发布之日,当中的信息均准确无误。

NordVPN vs Surfshark 2024



    从这些 VPN 当中挑选出最适合你的一款可能颇具难度,因为网络上的信息五花八门,让人难以区分不同的产品。选择 VPN 时,你需要确保其速度够快,具有良好的服务器网络,还要有你所需的安全功能。所有这些因素都很重要,会显著影响用户网络活动的质量和安全性。

    为此,我们团队和我花时间开展了一系列严苛的测试,看看 NordVPN 和 Surfshark 谁更优胜,并提供全方位的并列比较分析。我们测试了两者的速度、流媒体性能、安全性和隐私功能、定价套餐等方面。因此,无论你最关注 VPN 的哪些方面,都能在挑选最佳 VPN 时作出明智决定。


    功能 9.6/10
    定价 9.1/10
    易用性 10.0/10
    可靠度与客服支持 9.5/10
    功能 9.3/10
    定价 8.7/10
    易用性 9.4/10
    可靠度与客服支持 9.8/10


    Author Image Keira Waddell
    Keira Waddell

    Former Senior Writer

    我们的评分: 9.6/10

    NordVPN 怎么样?安全吗?它看似是一款出色的 VPN 服务。其声称拥有庞大的全球服务器网络、迅捷稳定的连接速度,以及坚若磐石的安全和隐私功能。要获取所有这些高级功能,只需 $2.99/month。这听上去颇为诱人,但当中到底有没有什么猫腻? 为了找出答案,我对 NordVPN 进行了深度分析。我测试了它...

    The Best of The Best

    I simply tested all VPNs looking for cutting-edge online security, I tested the most expensive and the...  most talked about virtual anonymity, none made me as happy as NordVPN, it stands out for several reasons that the much more expensive ones it doesn't have, its double encryption, dedicated IPs, onion VPN, makes NordVPN unique, with almost 6,000 servers around the world and 12 million customers like me, you can see that NordVPN is not playing games with its customers and their online security , it always innovates to keep you more secure day after day, for a fair price in the long term and without sacrificing the speed of your connection, recently Nord is developing a new VPN protocol, Nordlynx a version still under construction derived from the Wireguard protocol, if you want to have a VPN of last security that think how it will make you more secure in the next month NordVPN is the right choice, I am completely thankful for being a customer and for finding what to me is the perfect VPN.更多


    BUYER BEWARE! If you purchase NordVPN, it will throttle your interned speed/connectivity by 50%, like ... it did to mine. I pay $100/month to get speeds of nearly 600mbs. With NordVPN turned on, my speeds decrease to 250mbs. Nord’s “customer support” is useless and unprofessional, and, after nearly 3 weeks of endless “try this, try that”, they were unable to resolve the issue and blamed it on everything under the sun except their product, when it is OBVIOUS that, since I have zero speed issues with Nord turned off, and ONLY experience the issues with Nord turned on, it is NordVPN that is causing the issue. When I asked them for a refund of my one year subscription paid in advance and in good faith, they refused, and have now decided to ignore me. So, YOU’VE BEEN WARNED. Their VPN will devastate your internet speeds, their “support” is ridiculous, they are in denial, and they will not refund your money, even if their product is a failure…更多

    Author Image Keira Waddell
    Keira Waddell

    Former Senior Writer

    我们的评分: 9.3/10

    VPN 往往是一分钱一分货。我一看见 Surfshark 的超低价时,不禁对它的好评产生怀疑。为了验证 Surfshark 是否像宣传的那样好用,我和团队测试了它的各方各面,包括速度、安全功能、流媒体性能、服务器稳定性和设备兼容性。 我还仔细查看了 Surfshar 的隐私政策,以验证其真实性,并且将它的客户支...

    Lucas Pinto Ricardo
    Fast, reliable and unlimited

    This VPN is fast and reliable. It has a lot of servers in different countries and can be used in an un... limited amount of devices (it supports Linux, which is something very important for me). The software and app get updated regularly: note that I experienced some bugs with the auto-connect feature on Android that have been solved since then. With this competitive pricing, I would definitely recommend it. IMPORTANT NOTE: I am not including the customer support in this review, because I never had to use it. If I use it in the future, I will update this review with my experience. I recommend you to see other reviews that include it if it is important for you.更多

    Tim S.
    Don't waste your money on dedicated IP

    While the generic Surfshark servers work well, the dedicated IP is worse than useless. With it, I get ... constant captchas and some websites refuse to connect at all. All is fine once I reconnect to a generic or even free VPN. Support is friendly but hopelessly incompetent at getting the problem fixed. So the dedicated IP works exactly opposite as what is advertised, all while vacuuming money out of your wallet. Stay away.更多


    起价 $2.99/月
    退款保证 (天数) 30 天
    每份许可所支持的设备数 10 设备
    起价 $1.99/月
    退款保证 (天数) 30 天
    每份许可所支持的设备数 无限 设备


    最佳Windows VPN
    最佳Mac VPN
    最佳iOS VPN


    市面上的 VPN 产品层出不穷,但并非每一款都同样好用。想要找到真正最适合自己的 VPN,大量的测试和调研必不可少。

    为了帮你省时省力,我们的专家团队和我亲自全面测试和比较了这些 VPN,以一较高低。对速度、流媒体性能、安全性等各方面进行对比后,相较于 Surfshark,我们认为 NordVPN 综合来说是更好的选择



    NordVPN 比 Surfshark 好吗?

    是的,NordVPN 总体上比 Surfshark 。它有 6600 台服务器,覆盖 111 个国家/地区,速度很快,安全功能也很不错。

    而且它现在还有折扣,只需 $2.99/月。

    对比 NordVPN 和 Surfshark 时该注意什么?

    选择 VPN 时,你要着重查看它的服务器数量、总体速度得分、价格以及支持同时连接的设备数量。一些 VPN 能提供完美的上网体验,有些则会拖慢上网速度。

    如果你已经打算付费订阅,那么 NordVPN 可能非常适合你,它在众多测试中性能表现不错。

    NordVPN 比 Surfshark 快吗?

    是的,NordVPN Surfshark 。由于电脑主要通过 VPN 跟网络连接,你需要使用不会让网速降低超过 20% 的服务。

    如果你很重视速度,那么我推荐 ExpressVPN。它是目前最快的服务,不限带宽,即使连接到地球的另一端的服务器,也不会让速度变慢。你可以安心试用。它提供 30 天退款保证。如果不喜欢,还可以获得全额退款。

    NordVPN 或 Surfshark 有优惠吗?

    NordVPN 和 Surfshark 都会时不时推出优惠。点此查看目前可用的优惠券和折扣。不过,ExpressVPN 的优惠力度最大。首次订阅可省 61%,还能获得长达 3 个月的免费使用期

    vpnMentor 成立于 2014 年,旨在评测各种 VPN 服务和覆盖私隐相关话题。如今,我们的团队包含数百名网络安全研究员、评论员和编辑。我们与 Kape Technologies PLC 携手合作,持续捍卫广大读者的网络自由。Kape Technologies PLC 旗下还有以下产品:ExpressVPN、CyberGhost、ZenMate、Private Internet Access 和 Intego(本网站可能会评测这些产品)。vpnMentor 发布的评测文章当中的信息在文章发布之日均准确无误,并根据我们严格的评测标准撰写而成。此标准包括评测人员的专业性和诚实性,同时关注产品的技术性能、质量以及对用户的商业价值。我们发布的榜单和评测文章还可能会考虑到前述产品的共同所有权,以及用户透过网站链接购买产品时我们可获取的联盟佣金。我们不会评测所有 VPN 服务,并相信截至文章发布之日,当中的信息均准确无误。


    克里斯蒂娜•佩鲁尼契奇是 vpnMentor 的前编辑。她是网络安全专家,关注 VPN 及其在数字隐私领域的重要性。